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Update Polycom Firmware on Phone ...
(posted by Steven A on 2011-01-06 16:00:36)
Update Polycom Firmware on Phone


    1. Unplug and then Plug in your Polycom IP Phone and press the SETUP button to stop the auto-boot process when prompted.

    2. Enter the password 456

    3. Scroll down to the server menu and select.

    4. Edit the server type to “Trivial FTP

    5. Edit the server address to the “IP Address of TFTP Server” (In my case

    6. Exit the server menu, and then exit the setup menu.

    7. The phone will prompt you to save and reboot, select OK.

    8. Upon reboot, the phone will go through its auto-boot process again, and then display Uploading Bootrom on the screen.

    9. You will also see verification on the TFTP Server as the bootrom and firmware files are being uploaded to the phone.

    10. When the phone completes its boot cycle, it will briefly display a welcome screen, which shows the current firmware version loaded.

    11. If you see this version, you have successfully upgraded your polycom phone.

    Special Notes

    The Polycom Phone that you are upgrading must be on the same network as your TFTP server application (IE. TFTP Server address:, Polycom Phone address: This is essential for the phone and the TFTP server to communicate with each other.

    This process can be done on multiple Polycom units at the same time; there is no need to do one at a time if you have multiple units to upgrade.

    In order to perform a correct upgrade with files with Polycom Factory Default settings, DO NOT MODIFY ANY FILES.


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