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Changing the Phone Wallpaper SPA525g ...
(posted by Steven A on 2011-03-24 18:38:36)
Changing the Phone Wallpaper SPA525g


    Changing the Phone Wallpaper
    You can change the background picture on your phone to one stored in the phone, or to one on a USB memory device attached to the phone.

    If you are going to use a picture from the USB memory device, perform the following steps:

    STEP 1 Connect a USB storage device to your PC.

    STEP 2 Create a directory named “pictures” on the USB device and copy the image files into that directory. Image files must be between 30K and 300K in size. The phone can only read 45 images from the USB device.

    STEP 3 Remove the USB device from your PC and insert it into the USB slot on the Cisco SPA 525G/525G2.

    To change the background picture on your phone:

    STEP 1 Press the Setup button.

    STEP 2 Scroll to User Preferences and press Select.

    STEP 3 Scroll to Screen Preferences and press Select.

    STEP 4 Scroll to Wallpaper. Press the Right Arrow key to select an image to use as the wallpaper.

    STEP 5 Use the navigation arrows to choose an image. Press Select to choose the image, or to preview how the image will look on your phone, select the image and pressView. Press Select to choose the image, or use the Previous, Next, and Back keys.

    STEP 6 Press Save.


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