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Sync Thunderbird 24 Contacts Calendar Tasks to TkFast Horde Webmail ...
(posted by Steven A on 2011-05-22 17:36:47)

Sync Thunderbird 3.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 14, 15, 16, 17, 24 Contacts and Calendar to TkFast Horde Webmail

Thunderbird 3, Thunderbird 8, Thunderbird 9, Thunderbird 10, Thunderbird 11, Thunderbird 14, Thunderbird 15, Thunderbird 16, Thunderbird 17, Thunderbird 24

Mozilla Lightning 


    Download funambol-mozilla-sync-client-win32-exp.xpi   Or look at the attched files to this page.
    Open Source software to sync.  I have attached the File It's in Open Source Development. 

    Open Thunderbird


    Go to Tools Add-ons.


    Click On Plugins


    Browse To the File funambol-mozilla-sync-client-win32-exp.xpi


    Click  Install Button


     Click Restart Thunderbird


    Click Tools

    Then Funambol sync


    Now this Menu Will Open Press Tools Options


    In the Account Settings:

    Username: username
    Password:  your email password

    If your email is
    Replace with everything past
    Username: support
    Password:  youremailpassword


    Now Click on the Sync tab and you can select contacts or Calendar to sync. 
    You can set how often you want to have your contacts synced.  Sync at Startup or how often you want it synced.

    Press Ok when finished

    You can Press Sync All to Sync Now.



    If the Option for Calendar sync is greyed out you need to install Mozilla Lightning addon use the same steps to add this addon and then you can sync your Calendar as well. 

    Download Lightning for Calendar Syncing.


    When you are adding the Calendar sync you need to select what Calendar you want to sync with by default you just select Home and press Ok




     NOTE switched to TZPush

    I have switched to TZPUSH for my contact syncing to Horde.


Thunderbird 16 - Linux 32bit
(posted by Steven A on 2013-03-11 15:07:00)

Thunderbird 16 - Linux 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2013-03-11 15:06:35)

Thunderbird 15 - Windows 32bit and Windows 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-09-04 22:29:13)

Thunderbird 15 - Linux 32bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-09-04 22:28:46)

Thunderbird 15 - Linux 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-09-04 22:28:14)

Thunderbird 14 - Windows 32bit and Windows 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-07-21 15:12:46)

Thunderbird 14 - Linux 32bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-07-21 15:12:29)

Thunderbird 14 - Linux 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-07-21 15:12:12)

Thunderbird 11 - Windows 32bit and Windows 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-04-09 16:03:44)

Thunderbird 11 - Linux 32bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-04-09 16:03:27)

Thunderbird 11 - Linux 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-04-09 16:02:55)

Thunderbird 10 (updated) - Windows 32bit and Windows 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-03-08 00:16:09)

Thunderbird 10 (updated) - Linux 32bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-03-08 00:15:38)

Thunderbird 10 (updated) - Linux 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-03-08 00:14:54)

Thunderbird 10 - Windows 32bit and Windows 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-02-17 11:38:29)

Thunderbird 10 - Linux 32bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-02-17 11:38:08)

Thunderbird 10 - Linux 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2012-02-17 11:37:51)

Thunderbird 9 - Linux 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2011-12-23 23:02:43)

Thunderbird 9 - Linux 32bit
(posted by Steven A on 2011-12-23 23:01:35)

Thunderbird 9 - Windows 32bit and Windows 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2011-12-23 23:00:30)

Thunderbird 8 - Linux 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2011-11-28 21:43:51)

Thunderbird 8 - Linux 32bit
(posted by Steven A on 2011-11-28 21:42:31)

Thunderbird 8 - Windows 32bit and Windows 64bit
(posted by Steven A on 2011-11-17 11:39:05)

Thunderbird 3.x
(posted by Steven A on 2011-05-22 17:37:22)

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