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Click to Dial Asterisk siptapi ...
(posted by Steven A on 2017-12-04 18:15:11)

Click to Dial with Asterisk siptapi


    Download siptapi
    Extract files, use the release version of the files.

    On 32bit Windows
    1. Copy siptapi.tsp from 32bit folder into your Windows system32 directory
    (usually C:\Windows\System32)
    2. Install and configure SIPTAPI using the telephony options from control panel

    On 64bit Windows
    1. Copy siptapi.tsp from 64bit folder into your Windows system32 directory
    (usually C:\Windows\System32). This gives you full TAPI support with 64 and 32bit
    TAPI applications
    Note: You MUST copy the siptapi.tsp file with a 64bit application. If you use a 32bit
    application, Windows will transparently map the system32 folder to SysWOW64 (32bit
    compatibility for 64bit Windows). Therefore, the following method is preferred:

    1. Unzip the siptapi.tsp file on your Desktop
    2. Use Windows-Explorer to move the siptapi.tsp file from your Desktop to c:\Windows\system32
    2. Install and configure SIPTAPI using the telephony options from control panel
    Open control panel
    Click on Phone and modem
    Click on the tab for Advanced

    You should see SIPTAPI Service Provider 0.2.17
    If you do not press add and select it.  (If for some reason you do not then the siptapi.tsp file is not in the right folder from above)

    Double slick on SIPTAPI Service Provider 0.2.17

    SIP Domain: enter the ip address of the phone server

    Then put in the Username, password, Auth-User and Users Extension (our User, Auth-User, and Users Extension are typically the same)

    Now if you open outlook you might have to close it and open it back up again

    Open Contacts on Outlook and then on any contact right click on it and then select call and it will show you the number you can select from and that will initiate you office phone to call that number.  This only works if you are on the main contact page not inside a contact.


(posted by Steven A on 2017-12-04 18:16:03)

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