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Crestron Home Beta Firmware ...
(posted by Steven A on 2024-06-17 09:25:46)
Crestron Home Beta Firmware

    Upgrading Your Processor, Mobile Devices and Panels to Beta FW

    Processor Instructions:

    1. (You only need to do this once for the life of the processor. Proceed to step 2 if you have done this step in the past) At the CP4-R/MC4-R console:

    updatereleaselevel crestronhomebeta sea07647wolf
    2. Then check for updates by going to: Crestron Home app Installer Settings->Check for Updates


    iOS Instructions:

    Have TestFlight already downloaded on the IOS device.

    From that device browser, Follow this link to beta test the iOS app:

    This will prompt you to download the test flight application and allow you to download the beta version of the IOS application.

    Android Mobile Instructions:

    On the Google Play Store description of the application, enable beta mode.


    Touch Panel Instructions

    Make sure the panels are at their most current release FW.

    Apps are available via app manifests – set by the following console command: Remember to copy the ENTIRE line.


    internalmanifesturl GEN_APPS


    internalmanifesturl GEN_APPS


    internalmanifesturl GEN_APPS

    Once you run the command in the console. Go to the Web UI of the panels. In the upper right corner >Action> Upgrade app

    Apps will auto-update at 2AM.

    Pinned Post

    Kevin Peacock (Crestron Electronics, Inc. - Domestic Tech Support - ROCKLEIGH - US)

    April 26, 2024 at 9:17 PM
    Putting Processor and Panels back on Release Versions

    If you would like to take your processor off of beta these are the following steps. It is recommened to not go to a new version of server FW prior to going back to release as there is a chance the config my not be compatible.


    1. Connect to text console via toolbox

    2. Send the command “enableprogramcmd”

    3. Send the command “updatereleaselevel release”

    4. Go to the setup app and you will see an update


    70 Series Panels

    1. Connect to device in text console

    2. Send command “internalmanifesturl GEN_APPS”

    3. Send command “setdigitaljoin 29604 1”. This will have the app update immediately

    60 Series Panels

    1. Connect to device in text console

    2. Send command “internalmanifesturl GEN_APPS”

    3. Send command “setdigitaljoin 29604 1”. This will have the app update immediately


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