1. On the Home screen, click Start>Programs
2. Click ActiveSync
3. Click Menu>Add Server Source...
a. Note: If the mobile device has been synchronized with Exchange Server, Configure Server will be the available option
4. In Edit Server Settings, enter:
1. Server address: mail.yourdomain.com
2. Tick This server requires an encrypted (SSL) connection
3. Click Next
5. In Edit Server Settings, enter:
0. Username: username
a. Password: password
1. Domain: yourdomain
2. Tick Save password
3. Click Next
6. In Edit Server Settings, enter:
0. Check on: Contacts, Calendar, E-Mail, Tasks
1. Click Finish
7. Click Menu and select Schedule
8. In Schedule, enter:
0. Peak times: Manually
1. Off-Peak times: Manually
2. Tick Send/Receive when I click Send
3. Note: Only select other options if you have an unlimited data plan
4. Click Ok
9. Click Sync on the ActiveSync page